2016 Sessions

In total, there were 30 fantastic TransportCamp sessions. Session notes were taken for each unconference session.  Each post includes all the essential session details, links and a summary of all the key points of discussion.

Comments are enabled, so feel free to continue the conversation in the  post or contact the session leader directly.

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When should we not give people what that want?

Session Details 

  • Host: Alexandra Almond (LinkedIn)
  • Session: 
  • Location: Supper Room
  • Attendees: 40

Example of giving people what they want - park & ride 

Land-value important key consideration in determining level of parking

  • "mega carpark", may be appropriate for low-value sites 
  • opportunity cost - land value 


Introduce user pays - help people realise the costs.

Car stacking

Wider challenges in public transport decision-making

Content majority - don't have a voice.  Those in the minority - have a loud voice.  E.g Frankston line improvements.  

Investing in car orientated infrastructure reinforces car orientated travel behaviour

Sky rail - what right do transport professionals have to make decisions? 

  • Not having a transport plan that clearly articulates transport priorities 
  • Educated minority decision-makers carries more weight than uninformed majority?
  • Strong and vocal opposition. 
  • Net positive to society - betterment value capture, houses next to railway - receive compensation.


Communicating transport debates with the public 

  • Need visionary policy 
  • Very hard to consult on alternative if community can't imagine the full range of options (e.g bus service or car parking).  
  • No clear vision and opportunity for people to participate in decision-making.  
  • Important role for public servants to inform debate on future public transport infrastructure
  • need to clearly explain issues
  • public are not forced to consider trade-offs in decision-making
  • Contradictory public outcomes often sought:  walkable city but also wanting parking etc
  • Communicating what's been successful overseas
  • 20 year vision:  politicians don't want to take on / be accountable for decisions 20 years into the future.  
  • Transport projects used as a political football.  Politicians make decisions based on perception of popular vote or opposite of 
  • Role of social media - easy to complain, unlikely to voice support