2016 Sessions

In total, there were 30 fantastic TransportCamp sessions. Session notes were taken for each unconference session.  Each post includes all the essential session details, links and a summary of all the key points of discussion.

Comments are enabled, so feel free to continue the conversation in the  post or contact the session leader directly.

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Strategy for Transport Pricing

Session Details 

  • Host: Will Fooks and (LinkedIn) David King (dking@phillipboyle.com.au)
  • Organisations: GTA Consultants and Phillip Boyle & Associates
  • Session: 3
  • Location: Regent Room

Session Notes:

  • all modes and triple bottom line approach
  • Strategy:
  • Vision - equality, efficient(best utilisation, allocation of resources), acknowledge the role pricing plays in service delivery, cost reflective pricing, simplicity 
  • context - low pt cost recovery, marginal costs, associated prices with use/ownership
  • challenges -disruption of new developments/technology,  politics, revenue distribution, private interests, interest groups, equality, 
  • policy/actions - demand-responsive pricing, awareness of current issue, 
  • implementation -  useable, fair, technology when appropriate