2016 Sessions

In total, there were 30 fantastic TransportCamp sessions. Session notes were taken for each unconference session.  Each post includes all the essential session details, links and a summary of all the key points of discussion.

Comments are enabled, so feel free to continue the conversation in the  post or contact the session leader directly.

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How to make cycling sexy?

Session Details 

  • Host: Liz Taylor (LinkedIn)
  • Organisation: RMIT University
  • Session: 5 
  • Location: Yarra Room

Session Notes:


Car advertisement is always amazingly done. Flying is sexy. Can we do the same for bicycles? PT

Played on YouTube: Mark Robson, the business intl. The bike song

Is this a problem? Why we don't advertise pt and cycling like cars? There's never videos about traffic for car ads. 

This is is probably not a role for government. 

Is there a Better way to represent cycling? 

Highlighted fact that there may be many groups of cyclists. Lack of a cohesive group. 

Some ideas: 

  • make advertising sexy
  • better share bikes
  • promoting travel bike rides
  • targeted promotions
  • bicycle network has more out there advertisement

Bottom line example. local wineries chipped-in in to pay for bike trails. Improved tourism

Planning for Car Parking

Session Details 

  • Host: Liz Taylor (LinkedIn)
  • Organisation: RMIT University
  • Session: 4 
  • Location: Yarra Room

Session Notes:

Begins by stating Car parking takes up more space than people realise. 

Provided Examples where areas have 50 percent or more for at grade parking in the US

Possible reason we have so much in melbourne is the planning requirements. Example the minimum car parking reqs. 

Is this historical? 

Sometimes minimum car parking reqs still there however strategic planningoves away from it. 

Where did this car parking statuary requirement from? Lists car parking in strategic planning policy for Melbourne over time.

1954 document -language about making things easier ...solutions for car parking

Making old areas easier for shopping and parking....so these areas can survive the age of the car

New areas will have adequate car parking provision



Do we oversupply parking

Ejs - parking provision is very mismatched. And lack of integration with on Street.

Fillepe 1 car = 3-4 spaces.

Nightingale found hard to get financing

Anecdotal - Investors and real estate requires car parking because they think they will get less return

Waiver different to removing minimum.

Planners don't have many hard tools like car parking provision. 

Spaces based on bedrooms - assumes each br houses an adult that drives. 

Do we thinking planning can and should determine car parking provision. How do we best do this?

Commercial point of view. Should allow supply demand driven market. 

There is oversupply in Car parking in the city. Levy has closed down floors.

Allowing unbundling maybe only way to go. How we get there or how it can be done unsure.

Liz - there is a strong opinion that minimum parking works and they believe having it helps them find parking.

Need to show resident's there are costs for parking and transport that aren't well thought about.

What are the benefits of using parking differently.

Introduction of inconvenience to car parking. Stacked parking. Price. Small deterents that make people think about each trip individually.

Safer City Cycling

Session Details 

Session Notes:

Warrick has looked at Melbourne, Amersterdam and Copenhagen case studies 

Looked at perceptions of safety as a barrier to more cycling. 

Perceptions of lack of safety as barrier to sustainable travel.

Idea of good enough safety. We can't get to Copenhagen or Amsterdam but can we get it good enough?

There are a lot more things that can be done to improve cycling.


Jackie. We don't deal with intersections for cyclists. No certainty for cyclists on where to go. No addition lights or lanes. 

Safety needs to be approached systematically.

Most important thing before anything is education. Both motorists as well as cyclists. 

Right now who is implementing or responsible for driver education. 

Other cycling countries have cycling education during whole education life. Decision makers have good understanding of cycling.

Livibility index nothing Bout road safety or cycling safety. 

Why is Melbourne different? 1900 rail in melbourne was one of the biggest in World. Amsterdam Copenhagen relied on walking or bikes. 

Copenhagen had horse riding tracks next to roads. Road association in Netherlands wanted bike users off road. Dedicated cycling.

How well do we get people to understand safety on bikes? 

Multiple door incidents affecting cycling safety. 

Education of safety needs to be from very early. 

Examples where education was shared by multiple organisations teaching cycling. Fr very early years so it becomes ingrained. 

Alternatively...Is it about biting the door and roving the car bike interaction for things like dooring. 

Hard solution such as removing car parking may be harder than soft solution such as education.

Aussies with Perceptions of safety vs actual safety. 

Europe. Car drivers automatically assigned fault. This may improve driver behavior ...but may not increase cycling participation.

All these ideas are interesting but how can it apply for our culture or political environment?

Mobility as a Service

Session Details 

  • Host: Harry Barber (LinkedIn)
  • Organisation: Phillip Boyle & Associates
  • Session: 1 
  • Location: Portico Room

Session Notes: 

Are we ready for Mobility as a Service.      

Innovations get through at times against a transport solution.Technology is not the one stop answer to cater to service.

14 electronic delivery bikes in st kilda.Deliveries are going at a good pace. 

Use of Maas to assist shopping online,proportion of young kids with independent mobility is falling, Finland performing well

Best age group for adults exhibiting independent mobility is 30-40, taxi services are improving,hitchhiking points are deemed illegal.

Buses performing successfully , major limitation being frequency.

Global e bikes sold 2 percent implies Less space for car share.

In Central Park Many car share spots chosen than conventional parking lots.

Walking,community transport,taxis hitchhiking aren't working; Bike, buses are doing comparatively well;Cars are still maintaining its advantage

Ebike suits the environment in Netherlands and makes it possible to implement Maas more on bikes... Australia yet to catch up with improving bike trips.   

 Car share isn't versatile as compared to bikes. 

 Why shared bikes would dominate? Easily accessible and easy to rent;low cost item

Land use problem. If the density if less not enough people are going to resort to bike sharing.

Shared ownership. Car share requires more maintenance and looking after. Not as flexible and easy as bike sharing. 

Negative view. Not yet in an era where cars can do everything. Particular brands are not evolving the right way and depend a lot on lifestyle trends. Cars go a long time without a major change. When making a big switch, it's difficult for transport to accommodate that transition. 

For Car share, Convenience is the key. Cities prepare to give up car spaces to put up bikes. those are the ones that are succeeding. Push bikes are not convincingly good when

People choose to walk short distances. 

Modelling Dirty Deeds

Session Details 

  • Host: Aaron Alaimo (Email - Aaron.alaimo@veitchlister.com)
  • Organisation: Veitchlister Consulting
  • Session: 2 
  • Location: Portico Room

Session Notes:

Why modelling Is a black box?

Computation in a complex arena and the

Use of transport models to justify planning

In many respects it's not the model itself that might prove erroneous, it's the decisions in the backend.

How our industry can assist a thinking process through planning

Opprotunities for error in validating the model, where the model is built on hhts primarily, mathematical architectural errors, smaller sample sizes, ambiguity in forecasting, are the parameters changing with time; these constitute error/dirty deeds

Transport modelling as a profession is being severely hurt

Why isn't transparency encouraged within modelling

Since it's a technical area, transparency cannot be compromised with by the modellers. cal area, transparency cannot be compromised with by the modellers. Engineers on the other hand aren't careful at telling the technical stories to the society. 

Government downsize the ability of modelling and hand it over to consulting labs. Modelling gets small proportion of the actual price that's allocated to the planning process. 

Biggest challenge with modelling is the illusion of accuracy. Precision isn't enough. High range of uncertainty

Strategic decision-making process is done my ministries and councils owing to uncertainties

No process within ministries to sell to the society that there's uncertainty with an answer. That's where it ends up with a binary solution. 

Local governments don't have exposure to transport modelling tools.  Decisions are normally made out of an assessment of a set of alternatives. Many politicians get away with only making choices are not analysing what goes into those alternatives. 

Bringingmodels closer to realitymight be a safer solution. Black boxes are a necessary evil; but it's harder to fixate on a single answer. 

Inability of modellers to communicate; actual tools are reasonably comfortable and implicit if used correctly. Most models are convenient to work with for about 5 years. The changes in land use comes into picture subsequently.

Challenge is to know whether the society wants to see he modellers as black boxes or mor transparent. Educating politicians is another challenge lest the ministry ignores the societal needs based on what's necessary

Rail-led Regional Growth

Session Details 

  • Host: Tony Smith (email - ts@meme.com.au)
  • Organisation: Kororoit Institute. 
  • Session: 3 
  • Location: Portico Room

Session Notes:

Time tabling is about getting people from regional areas to the city. The return trips are not catered to much. Rail isn't seen by melbourninans as a means of getting in the train and travelling to regional locations. A basic footprint and layout is planned that's not compatible with the population boom that's impending. 

Basic infrastructure isn't been stretched.

Buses are cheap to deploy but miss diverse needs

Rails discourage a sense of mobility within the mode; difficult to access than buses

Train lines where withdrawn over time; a sense of certainty to passengers was removed

Its important to people to know the services available; rail lines are a bit more legible to the passengers than bus. 

Disincentive that older people are not able to make better decisions in transit due to the lack of rail inaccessibility;

Written in to the policy is to push the regions and accommodate rail to provide accessibility to all demographics.

Support regional communities to become exposed to the Melbourne centric transit trends.

 In order to get the people to go to the regional areas, there needs a stable provision or in terms of income. Students choose their study locations depending on the proximity to the institution. 

What transport infrastructure needs to be provided to ensue the rail accessibility to regional areas and discourage car dependency?

Create ppt infrastructures within the communities to ensure the far access areas need not be car dependent.  Geelong has got a few rail lines that need to rebuilt. A concept akin to be dingo metro would suit Geelong better. European cities are familiar with enabling pt systems that serve within communities. Moving away from cars is the need of the hour.

A strong governance influence in the highway lobby. Analyse why Melbourne community is not ready to give up cars. 

Australian cities have a long way to go when it comes to addressing the growth in population and consequent changes required in trips. 

If Melbourne can be rebuilt to the expected concentration of population, can better accessibility and distribution of trips be witnessed?

How can we shift away from the nuances of implementing a population inclusive public transport design? 

Jam More Traffic

Session Details 

  • Host: John Cleeland (john.cleeland@optusnet.com.au)

  • Session: 5

  • Location: Portico Room

Session Notes:

Get the turns away from the intersection

Dual trademark crossover: unlimited number of right turn lanes

If capacity needs to be increased have more number of lanes all running freely to let more traffic through

Stage lane: store bikes in the middle of the lane; 60 second cycle time

Efficient queue jump, metered: reduction in express time, increase in capacity and increase in demand.  

The Value of Footpaths

Session Details 

  • Host: Armando Mazzei (Email - armando.mazzei@sgsep.com.au)
  • Organisation: SGS Economics and Planning
  • Session: 6 
  • Location: Portico Room

Session Notes: 

What is the merit of a footpath?

Footpath value differs depending on the functionality and the surrounding conditions. Better connectivity, access and safety. Depends what we need the street for; incorporate a sense of place; the one mode where everybody belongs; 

Perception of safety; lack of footpath might imply a location is pretty rural, forcing people to choose alternative modes like car or public transport.

Connectivity: productivity of the passengers can be mapped with the connectivity; facility to be close to stay close to different features;

Human interactions: benefits of densely packed areas is that people interact with each other and wide foot path provided anopportunity to stay and interact with each other;  this is where the footpath changes from being a transport portal to a place.

Safety: exclusion of footpaths from possible hindrances like car movemets

Business around footpaths flourish and the lack of car parking spaces encourage the workers to engage more in walking. 


The value of footpaths are evaluated in different perceptions. People's choice of path influence the connectivity aspecct.


Future: defining the explanation for Los for pedestrians. The existing Los can be used to understand the healthy level of congestion footpath.

Movement and Place

Session Details 

  • Host: Mark Rowland (mark.rowland@arup.com)
  • Organisation: Arup
  • Session: 1 
  • Location: Melbourne Room

Session Notes:

Based on a uk idea called link and placelooking at linking significant high volume places in Melbourne, how to plans for locations. Focusing on movement corridors, reallocating road space

How can a framework be created for outcomes and places? a people based and engineering solution, multi-disciplinary. 

What do we want it to look like when designing new people movement, what do we need? eg Acland St, Swanston St, car-free zones, highly pedestrianised, tram zones

You can't have a high volume area without public transport. P1 and M1 areas have to have PT focus

lots still to discuss, work on, movement corridors to be the focus of a movement and place idea, created more discussions than solutions

Car Share Schemes Vs Public Transport

Session Details 

  • Host: Nick Logan (nicholas.logan@ptv.vic.gov.au) and Carolina Gaitan (carolina.gaitan@ptv.vic.gov.au)
  • Organisation: PTV
  • Session: 2 
  • Location: Melbourne Room

Session Notes:

Discussion based session

Will both of these combine in the future, what is the difference between them currently? car pooling etc

Can share schemes replace car ownership in the future?

'Sharing' is the buzz word at the moment but is it just a buzz, PT was the first share service

Uber pooling, where is this going to go, how can it/ will it integrate with PT, can uber fill in the gaps where PT cant?

Shared is private only, PT is govt funded, is this a definition?