Session Details
Room: Supper
Format: Presentation and discussion
No. of attendees: 22
Hosts names: Zoe Condliffe and Anthony Aisenberg
Scribe: Sarah Roberts
Free to be, female city and making spaces- What we don't know
- The Right To Night is a digital mapping tool to show the places women find safe or not in the city.
- 1 in 3 women don’t feel safe in the city, 1 in 4 don’t feel safe on PT.
- Women are not surprised by this stat but men are
- Data in Australia is just as bad as other cities that you would perceive would be worse.
- Improving this for women would improve it for other people
- We currently don’t know what is going on
- Want to make this visible
How can we improve this?
Women have the right to participate in society and if they don’t feel safe we need to understand this and fix this. Women experience situations differently.
- Create a platform where people can express their experiences. Use data to advocate change, target of 350 women.
- The project was a Co-designed tool with women participants.
- Software- have a map, you can drop a pin (happy and sad) and then tell your story. Incorporated emoji’s with this, can map in the moment or at home. These emoji’s are more engaging. This can bring out different locations.
How does it work?
- Choose the time of day, important to distinguish between these.
- Free spot for writing, so they are able to express more.
Things to consider
80% of rapes are not reported, this is a safe way of reporting these.
Spaces close to one another can be perceived very different (fed square and flinders street station)
What would the city look like if it was design based on women?
- On the map 14% of negative places, where PT related.
- 60% of these were to do with rail
- This is perceptions based, not based on real incidents.
- The way you perceive something still changes how you use the service
- More people using PT makes it safer
- Women are changing the way they use spaces and the city, because they are women.
If we can change this, we will see a change in how women participate in society. This data changes the way you perceive how women actually see travel around the city. Men don’t view it this way and are surprised to find out.
The next step, needs to see how we will help to fix this problem.
A meeting will be held on how Flinders street station can be redesigned with this in mind.
- Metro is also being spoken to.
- We need to understand how women behave and how the current safety precautions might not be suitable (the red button on trains is an example of this)
CrowdSpot, is a website that shows this information visualised.
There is also a slider version of the data visualisation, where you can see the happy spots in relation to the sad spots.
How can you turn this into action?
- This was a trial, but it has started conversations and media interest.
- Run a design thinking workshop, to reimagine the city
- Talk to metro and police
- Run a trial in Sydney
- How to take the learnings and turn the concept into a scalable platform that can be taken to other countries.
How could this data be useful to us?
- Make sure that these things are tested and are useful. How can we make bad spaces better?
Are there other ways I can make myself safe?
- Police officer
- Phone apps
- A way to alert those around you that you feel unsafe.
- Use this data to make better place making.
Would you do this in Bendigo (smaller cities) or Casey?
- The demographics and cultures are also different.
- Make the tool scalable but localised.
Can you relate these perceptions to where criminal activity actually is?
- Use police reports- a lot of incidents don’t get reported.
- The expectations from different places is also different.
- People are more likely to report sad experiences. The happy places exist so it doesn’t appear overly negative.
- Female bike experience could also use this type of study.