2019 Melbourne Sessions

In total, there were 30 fantastic TransportCamp sessions. Session notes were taken for each unconference session.

Each post includes all the essential session details, links and a summary of all the key points of discussion.

Comments are enabled, so feel free to continue the conversation in the  post or contact the session leader directly.

Stay tuned on Twitter for all the latest updates!

Make Bus Data Useful

Session 6

Room: Yarra

Session Title: Make Bus Data Useful

Format: Presentation

Presenter Name: Phillip Mallis

Presenter best contact email: Philip.Mallis@darebin.vic.gov.au



  • There are several key datasets available for public use related to buses in Victoria

  • Making the best use of this data requires using to answer specific project questions or back up specific advocacy statements

  • GTFS offers the most information but it is also the most complex to analyse

  • We need better consistency, coverage and transparency for data

  • Combining different datasets is often the best way to exploit their full potential

  • Presenting results visually and in simple, interesting and engaging ways is essential to communicate key messages

  • Using tools like QGIS and Tableau are relatively easy (and free) ways to play around and see what visuals work for you and your data. Chris Loader’s blog has some good examples of GIFs and other interesting ways to display information:  https://chartingtransport.com/