2022 Melbourne Sessions

Session 1: Transport strategy for Non-human and sustainability

Session: 1

Room: Regent Room

Session Title: Transport strategy for Non-human and sustainability

Format: Discussion

Presenter Name: Hayley Timmers (RMIT)


  • How do we identify the key species or understand local biodiversity as one neighbourhood?

  • How can we plan for non-human connectivity?

  • Community advocacy reclaiming streets: Consider how people reclaim nature strips. Gorilla street trees on the upfield line.

  • Community planting VicTrack: tracking which species pass which route in their everyday lives to reflect on the transport planning.

  • How do we tackle KPI while making enjoyable connectivity for humans and non-humans?

  • How should we assess possible environmental impacts on the site when we plan the strategy?

  • There are important grasslands along the Sunbury line, these narrow strips of vegetation should not be managed without engaging Traditional Owners.

Session 2: Open Street: Messaging for Mobility

Session: 2

Room: Regent Room

Session Title: Open Street: Messaging for Mobility

Format: Discussion

Presenter Name: Zoe and Leyla (City of Merri-bek)


  • Getting the language right for livable, lovable neighbourhoods.

  • Streets, not roads! Open not closed! Crashed not accidents terminology!

  • What sort of consultation is the best for people? This is dependent on the local context, and it is important, to be honest, and transparent. Prioritise people, not transport modes.

  • The importance of plain language to disseminate information. Changing the terminology of the open street.

  • The meaning of road closure is no motor vehicles and increasing the flexibility of street use.

  • Open street provides the neighbourhood with enhancing community bonds.

  • How do we communicate with neighbours?

  • Benefits: children’s safety, healthier communities, and more social space.

  • What sort of signage makes all people comfortable using the space? How do we accommodate new emerging transport modes such as e-scooter? Whose priority is the first?

  • Potential for site rhythmanalysis to identify the behavioural patterns of the place.

Session 3: Political advocacy for better transport service

Session: 3

Room: Regent Room

Session Title: Political advocacy for better transport service

Format: Presentation

Presenter Name: Peter Parket (Melbourne on Transit)


  • Transformed transit for Melbourne Political volatility has both positive and negative impacts.

  • How to decrease the number of vehicles in outer suburbs to introduce public transport systems with high frequency and good connectivity. Is poor frequency why car use remains widespread?

  • Recommended book: The making and unmaking east-west link.

  • Bus services are the key to establishing an integrated transport network.

Session 4: Free Public Transport

Session: 4

Room: Regent Room

Session Title: Free Public Transport

Format: Discussion

Presenter Name: Rosie (City of Stonnington)


  • Only 30% of operating costs are funded currently, funding has to come from somewhere.

  • Free Tram Zone takes pedestrians off the street and requires more services, increasing costs due to increased demand, mode shift away from walking, loss in revenue and spike in demand.

  • The issue is not limited to cost, but access particularly for those with poor access (outer suburbs). Not many big systems that are free, there are smaller ones. Instead put tram revenue in areas which need it for example Melton, and Clyde.

  • Look at the full network and where a free zone would increase the uptake of public transport (not away from pedestrians).

  • Costs too much to travel to/from regional Vic (over $20) on VLine. Lower price of regional passengers.

  • Transport has to become a service: Means-tested pricing, flexible/dynamic fares based on demand.

  • Transport projects are measured by travel time savings, which is very narrow.

  • Who is going to integrate these services?

  • Consider safety when considering mode choice and MaaS, which fills a gap when people do not feel safe walking.

Session 5: Parking and Business Viability

Session: 5

Room: Regent Room

Session Title: Parking and Business Viability

Format: Discussion

Presenter Name: Patel


  • Traders want car parking. An intercept survey found parking concession does not impact availability.

  • DoT focuses on the reuse of the parking assets than replacement.

  • Commercial pricing of the parking may be decided by the preference of or the parking value of people.

  • One of third of the parking space reduction went unnoticed in a busy business area.

  • Parking permits also delay and increase the expenses of the business.

  • Dynamically allocation of parking is also important. Sharing the right message to the community or politicians would also promote a change of thinking and understanding that the cost of living increases more with more parking spaces.

Session 6: Shark Tank Pitch for Innovation

Session: 6

Room: Supper Room

Session Title: Shark Tank

Format: Discussion and Q&A

Presenter Name: Multiple

(Photograph by Phillip Mallis, 2022).


  • First: Peter Parker The Future Frequent Network The Future Frequent Network (Interactive map: www.melbourneontransit.blogstop.com). Transformed Transit for Melbourne Every 10 minutes every day. Long-term network vision.

  • Second: Demand Responsive Transit Three: Free Public Transportation Funded by Paid Parking.

Session 6: Reducing Carbon Emissions

Session: 6

Room: Portico Room

Session Title: Reducing Carbon Emissions

Format: Discussion

Presenter Name: William McDougall


  • North East Link, emissions saved only account for 3% of total emissions over 30 years of running the road.

  • Coal exports are not being taken into account in our 'net zero' goals.

  • Transport solutions: Currently planning for a sharp decline in emissions rather than linear descent. Where is the electricity coming from for electric transport?

  • There is a lack of implementation ideas and no actual plan for emissions reduction.

  • The AGL early closing of coal plants was an early win.

  • Consider, Carbon pricing, and greater transparency in scope in emissions and materials (how they travel, where they come from). Onsets vs offsets. Incremental timelines rather than just 30 years.

  • We need to encourage people and behaviour change and actively work towards emissions reduction. E.g. taxes and disincentives for driving SUVs in Norway or France.

  • Educate about where super is investing in. Tangible and teaching people how they are affecting emissions. Small personal education campaigns. Who do you bank with etc.

  • Private enterprise is likely to drive innovation more than government.

  • Repurposing of EV batteries once reached the end of their ability to power vehicles.

  • Priority should be making public transport the first choice.

  • No money in behavioural change and a decrease in consumption is needed, that is where government needs to step in.

Session 6: Parking Minimums

Session: 6

Room: Melbourne Room

Session Title: Parking Minimums

Format: Discussion

Presenter Name: Lachlan Burke (Movement and Place Consulting)


  • Parking minimums are set by the council and are resisted by the business owner.

  • Parking is most of the time provided more than requirements.

  • Making people use active transport would make parking opportunities for the people with issues.

  • We need some kind of management if accessibility is being impacted by the lack of parking. The car parking minimums have also made some businesses apply for waivers to their complexity and expense for small businesses.

Session 6: Pick a Lane Melbourne

Session: 6

Room: Regent Room

Session Title: Pick a Lane Melbourne

Format: Creative Workshop

Presenter Name: Pick a Lane Melbourne


  • Consider this, Melbourne is now a communist city, in the year 2021-2022 a mode must be selected for the best prosperity and happiness of the city. Two themes were created: Mass Transit vs Micro Mobility.

  • Team Micro mobility: Challenges are suburban sprawl, the distance between destinations, limited safe infrastructure, wide roads, cultural influence, Neo-liberalism, MAAS for profit, education, and capitalism.
    Goals: Tax the rich, no new roads, slow down our lives, diverse range to suit a variety of access needs and trip purposes.

  • Team Macro mobility: Goal for high-speed rail. Highways are now of no use, re-purpose public space.
    Consider multi-CBD Cities, connected via macro PTV.