"It becomes very hard to take away their ability to move, as they truly hold the skill of driving a car as one of their individual strengths. To take that away, leads not only to a loss of their mobility but to their individual identity and self worth."
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"25% of the population experience issues with mobility over a distance of 400m". Governance is not set up to represent 25% of the communities transport needs.
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Over 3000 data sets have already been released publicly through data.vic.gov.au - However so far the data releases have involved more pushing data into the public domain rather than data being pulled from public service at the request of the public.
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Adrian moved to Melbourne in 2008 and has been using cycling to get around in the past five years. As he lives in the inner suburbs, he got rid of his car and has not bought another one, finding cycling a good way of getting around. His presentation centred on finding the best routes to get around by bicycle.
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Despite having real time information on trams (TramTracker), no such service exists for Melbourne’s trains. People expect to be able to stand on a platform and be able to see how far away the train is and where it is going.
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Jeff advocates for High Speed Rail in Australia as a necessary and justified investment in our national transport infrastructure.
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Andrey is a Senior Software Developer at Locomote. He has developed an application that uses data from the PTV API to calculate train position to the best accuracy possible given PTV's current lack of genuine real-time train data.
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Possibility of a two tier network: fast, direct routes that are more frequent along main roads, with local routes servicing the roads in between. People want frequency, directness, operating spans, connection with trains.
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How can we achieve 200 million trips on public transport? First we need to ask how can we achieve 100 million trips.
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Harry Barber provided a ‘thriller’ about parking in cities. The first part was The Third Thing and this is parking. Parking is where mobility meets land use. People visualise mobility and they visualise land use, but they forget parking. Parking is The Third Thing.
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