2019 Melbourne Sessions

In total, there were 30 fantastic TransportCamp sessions. Session notes were taken for each unconference session.

Each post includes all the essential session details, links and a summary of all the key points of discussion.

Comments are enabled, so feel free to continue the conversation in the  post or contact the session leader directly.

Stay tuned on Twitter for all the latest updates!

Big data and the bicycle network

Session 3

Room: Portico

Session Title: Big data and the bicycle network

Format: Presentation

Presenter Name: Elliot Fishman, Sensible Transport 

Presenter best contact email: info@sensibletransport.org.au



  • Sensible Transport used Strava data to map cycle behaviour in Sydney and Melbourne

  • The implementation of bicycle paths can be very expensive: 11 million dollars for a kilometer 

  • After a commute distance of 4.5km, the number of people cycling drops quickly 

  • Melburnian suburbs such as Richmond and South Yarra have many internal short trips

  • There is a need for more data and also info about currently existing cycling infrastructure