Session 1
Room: Regent
Session Title: Land Use and Transport Modelling
Format: Presentation
Presenter Name: Daniel Paez, Managing Director, Ineca
Presenter best contact email:
Notetaker: Ben Thorp
Daniel’s lecture walked us through the need for integrated transport and land use modelling - vital when land-value capture is proposed. Land transport modelling is complex. There are three main methods: transport-led with integrated land-use modelling, land-use-led with integrated transport modelling and holistic modelling. Daniel notes that holistic modelling is extremely complex and that it is better to adapt one of the former two depending on the nature of the strategy ie. land-use modelling helps well in situations where the aim is to understand uplift from catalytic transport infrastructure. An example of these models was given using cellular automata and agents whose behaviour changes based on relationships with neighbours ie industrial will be close to freight opportunities and residential and commercial will want to cohabitate. Daniel’s presentation alerts us to the need for more modelling as it is currently underused in Australia and has high potential. This is particularly critical as it enables us to create better policy around public private partnerships in funding infrastructure through value capture from developments.