Session 5
Room: Melbourne
Session Title: 20 Minute Neighbourhood: Where to next?
Format: Discussion
Presenter Name: Knowles Tivendale, Hesara Weliwitiya, Lachlan Burke, Rahman Shafi
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Notetaker: Rahman Shafi
In the most rudimentary terms, a 20-minute city is where residents can commute to basic amenities such as education, medical facilities and shops without a car under 20 minutes. Attendees in this session discussed limitations of a 20-minute city and the challenges that need to be overcome for building more of such cities. The primary concern was specifically defining what a 20-minute, and how success for such a development would be defined. Community acceptance was raised as an issue, especially in rural townships where people can already access all the places they need to within 20 minutes, albeit with a car. There are certain benefits of 20-minutes cities, like reduced car-dependency, increased density and activity centre developments.