2019 Melbourne Sessions

In total, there were 30 fantastic TransportCamp sessions. Session notes were taken for each unconference session.

Each post includes all the essential session details, links and a summary of all the key points of discussion.

Comments are enabled, so feel free to continue the conversation in the  post or contact the session leader directly.

Stay tuned on Twitter for all the latest updates!

Transport and Flourishing Communities

Session 6

Room: Melbourne

Session Title: Transport and Flourishing Communities

Presenter Name: Andre Vaneymeren

Format: Discussion

Presenter best contact email: andre.vaneymeren@community.how

Notetaker: Hesara Weliwitiya



  • A lot of work in planning neighbourhood is done in isolation

  • Good access to green space

  • Walking requires stimulation

  • More quality interaction

What is a flourishing city:

  • People on the streets

  • All ages/people/city for all

  • All times of day

  • Night market

  • Diversity of activity

  • Active transport

  • Tram/public transport - people owning and contributing back to their transport such as art on trams and stations, local businesses at stops and stations, helping encourage visitors and migrants to use the PT network, small libraries, grants to the community

  • Make a place from streets and stations - where people feel involved

  • Public space/libraries

Community contribution being valued
Communities need to hold grief and joy
A growing sense of meaning (life is connected to something bigger)
Designed a framework for what a flourishing community is based on some of the above categories.