2014 Sessions

In total, there were 24 fantastic TransportCamp sessions that were proposed during 'agenda setting'. You can take a look at the final agenda matrix.

Our amazing Guest Bloggers created a blog post for each unconference session.  Each post includes all the essential session details, links and a sumamary of all the key points of discussion.

Comments are enabled, so feel free to continue the conversation in the  post or contact the session leader directly.

Stay tuned on Twitter for all the latest updates!

AURIN Workshop

Session coverage by guest blogger Ian Lo

Session Details 

  • Presented by Jack Barton (LinkedIn) and Xavier Goldie (LinkedIn)
  • Location: Room One
  • Time: Session #3 (12:20pm - 12:55pm)
  • Number of Attendees: 23
  • Format: Workshop and Q&A

Jack Barton is Senior Research Associate, Urban Data and eResearch Facilitator at AURIN  (Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network) and Xavier Goldie is an Urban Data and e-Research Officer at AURIN

Jack demonstrating some of the function of the AURIN portal

Jack demonstrating some of the function of the AURIN portal

Key summary points:

  • Open Source Geospatial Laboratory - http://osgeolab.unimelb.edu.au/

  • The AURIN is accessible for free with an .edu.au account
  • https://portal.aurin.org.au/ - fully accessible to any .edu.au members or .gov.au members upon application

  • A huge variety of spatial data from different sources.

  • Maps and visual representations

    • including bicycle counters, walkability, connectivity

  • Able downloadable as zip files and openable in QGIS (an open source GIS software, 400MB, free) as vector files

  • Open Trip Planner - analyses the best possible route from one place to another

  • Most people are non-experts in most aspects (most people are experts only in a certain field, such as transport planning, but not immigration policies) - that’s why AURIN is a good visual representation which explains concepts to most people quite well.