Session coverage by guest blogger Ian Lo
Session Details
- Presented by Nicole Ronald (Website, Twitter)
- Location: Room One
- Time: Session #4 (1:40pm - 2:15pm)
- Number of Attendees: 11
- Format: Discussion
Nicole is a transport modelling researcher and agent-based software engineer at the University of Melbourne
Key discussion points:
In regional Victoria, some towns already have on-demand buses. For example, buses only operate when there are passengers.
Mobility on demand - buses only operate if there are enough passengers, and will be more personalised based on the passengers’ destinations; demand-responsive service
Scenarios - research next year will involve asking commuters what scenarios will encourage or discourage the usage of the bus-taxi
Factors affecting the usefulness of this scheme:
Mode percentage
Flexibility in working hours
Urban versus rural trips
Types of vehicles used
Trying to change behaviour - incentivising people to ride their bicycles to work
Based on a survey, many Melbourne residents did not know how long it would take from their homes to the school, shopping centre etc. on public transport, because they always drive. People assume public transport will take forever and do not consider taking it.
Why do people cycle? For some, it’s because they hope to be green or healthy. For others, it’s because it’s faster than the tram or train over a short distance (convenience).
Taxi clustering - at the Canberra airport, the taxis are clustered based on where the passengers hope to go to. e.g. CBD, indivudual suburbs
Uber - “taxis” on demand, variable pricing based on demand and time (e.g. more expensive at 2am)
iMoD team and industry partners: PTV, VicRoads, Yarra Trams, RACV, Haasz Technology