Session coverage by guest blogger Melissa Yee
Session Details
- Presented by Andrew Wise (LinkedIn)
- Location: Room Two
- Time: Session #2 (11:40pm - 12:15pm)
- Format: Open discussion
- Number of Attendees: 6
Emergency response involves using technology to address the challenges of how to locate people. Other challenges include dispatching emergency services to complex sites with limited vehicle access.
Andrew Wise talking to participants about how location based technology can improve emergency response.
Key Discussion Points
Carriage service provider > Triple Zero Operator > Emergency service organisation: police, fire or ambulance (ESTA 000)
·Choose most appropriate ambulance based on emergency markers
State government must use State Government data but there is a big gap in accessing large sites such as parks, universities & shopping centres. OpenStreetMap which is crowd sourced, can be much more useful
How do we transcend the data which is mandated to also use crowd sourced information? Eg. Room numbers, access points
There is a gap in providing the best emergency response
Issues around aliases being used for addresses which adds to the problem
Everyone should be able to check their addresses and put in relevant detail
Issues around government funding
New technology- MOLI will find your location based on polygons from phone towers
New app available
eCall- available in Europe. Car will send out information around location when crash is detected
How do we collect data so that we understand how to access points from emergency management markers?
Issues around bureaucracy and privacy in terms of sharing data
For example, large data sets are held by a number of government and non-government organisations. One example is that local councils have building information gained through the permit process. This schematic information could help in directing ambulances to the right location within a larger site.
Accessing shopping centre is very much dependant on how the local Council approaches addresses and how shops
Google maps may have the algorithms to get the response team there but it is time consuming
Underfunded, under resourced on our end- why don’t we just leverage from what Google can offer?
Google don’t take authoritative data sources. Have to wait for someone to correct the dataset.
Governments can’t rely on commercial organisations being there in the future so there are limitations on what data to use.
Saving lives is the key metric.
Napthine government recently refused to release response times. Isn’t this in the public’s right?
Emergency markers are to allow a specific location to be given to reduce response time
- PTV stops are in the database to verify location